Liposuction - to a toned body in one day!
Do you want to achieve a shaped and toned body quickly, without much effort and energy? We recommend liposuction - one of the most popular procedures in plastic/aesthetic surgery.
It is a very effective method because it removes excess fat from your body, together with the cells where the fat is deposited. Once destroyed fat cells will not regenerate again.
The advantage of this procedure is that it can be performed without completely putting the patient to sleep. This greatly contributes to faster postoperative recovery and is practically an outpatient procedure.
Proceduru izvode dr. Adnan Zećo i dr. Emir Halilbašić, koji su prepoznatljivi po izvanrednim rezultatima u oblasti estetske, plastične i rekonstruktivne hirurgije
The most common regions that can be treated with this effective and safe method are:
- chin,
- belly,
- lower back,
- hips,
- hips
- upper legs and
- the inside of the knee
Whether you are the right candidate for this treatment will be determined by our plastic surgeon immediately after the examination and by taking a look at your expectations.
In the photo, you can see the result already 7 days after liposuction of the abdomen and lower back (loin, "love handles") of a mature woman with a moderate bone and muscle structure. Characteristic subcutaneous welts (groins) are also visible, which are an essential part of recovery, but which usually disappear in 10-14 days.

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Ukoliko imate dodatna pitanja i želite saznati da li ste pravi kandidat za liposukciju, popunite kratku kontakt formu i naše osoblje će Vam ubrzo odgovoriti.