Mjesec juni je posvećen podizanju svijesti o mijasteniji gravis…
Mijastenija gravis se manifestuje patološkom zamorljivošću mišića, i promjenjivim slabostima mišića. Najčešći simptomi su spušten kapak, duple slike i slabost mišića koja je promjenjiva tokom dana. Simptome pogoršava aktivnost mišića, a odmor ih smanjuje. Često se javlja otežan govor, otežano gutanje, a kod 10% bolesnika mogu biti zahvaćeni disajni mišići sa otežanim disanjem i životnom ugroženoću (mijastenična kriza). Postoje dva oblika , takozvana okularna/očna forma i generalizirana forma bolesti.
Mijastenija gravis je autoimuno oboljenje, gdje sam organizam stvara antitijela na acetilholinske receptore razarajući ih i na taj način dovodi do blokade neuromišićne spojnice (postsinaptička blokada) i prekida prenosa impulsa na mišić. Okidač za proizvodnju antitijela je nepoznat ali je bolest često povezana sa uvećanjem grudne žlijede (timusa), autoimunim oboljenjem štitne žlijezde i drugim autoimunim bolestima kao što su reumatoidni artritis, sistemski lupus, perniciozna anemija..
Bolest se najčešće javlja u odrasloj dobi i to kod mladih žena (između 20-40 godina) i starijih muškaraca (50-80 godina). Može se javiti i u djetinjstvu kao kongenitalni (nasljedni) oblik bolesti.
Dijagnoza se postavlja na osnovu kliničke slike, neurološkog pregleda, a potvđuje se dokazivanjem prisustva antitijela na acetilholinske receptore ( AchR, najčešće), antiMUSK i LRP4. Dodatni testovi su test neuromišićne spojnice (EMG) i prostiogminski test, CT grudnog koša za detekciju hiperplazije ili tumora grudne žlijezde (timus).
Liječenje je doživotno, a uključuje antiholinesterazne lijekove (mestinon), timektomiju (odstranjivanje timusa), kortikosteroide, imunosupresivne lijekove. U slučaju mijastenične krize koja može biti životno ugrožavajuća primjenjuje se plazmafereza ili intravenski imunoglobulini, eventualno disajna potpora (mehanička ventilacija).
dr Nadira Hodžić Ibrišević, spec. neurolog
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The Dogecoin founder tweeted, “The silly thing I made ten years ago made it to a Futurama episode.” The “silly thing,” as he fondly refers to it, is indeed Dogecoin, a cryptocurrency that started as a joke but has since gained enormous popularity, leading it to reach unexpected places, including one of the most beloved animated series. “If I had to choose between buying a lottery ticket and #Dogecoin … I would buy #Dogecoin,” Cuban tweeted in February. “But please don’t ask me to choose between it and anything else.” Interestingly, despite Dogecoin’s unexpected appearance on Futurama, the meme coin’s price did not react much to this mainstream exposure. However, this is not necessarily a reflection of the cryptocurrency’s performance. In fact, Dogecoin has been on an upward trajectory in the last few months, currently trading at $0.07. This marks a solid climb for the cryptocurrency, which had been hovering around a lower value for quite some time.
International Trade Administration. “El Salvador Adopts Bitcoin as Legal Tender.” As the world’s first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has come a long way in terms of its value. However, one does not have to buy an entire bitcoin as bitcoins can be divided into small units called satoshis, named after the creator. A satoshi is equivalent to 0.00000001 bitcoin. Free exchange rate table for your website Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin have few fans in Washington. At a July congressional hearing, Senator Elizabeth Warren warned that cryptocurrency “puts the system at the whims of some shadowy, faceless group of super-coders.” Treasury secretary Janet Yellen likewise asserted that the “reality” of cryptocurrencies is that they “have been used to launder the profits of online drug traffickers; they’ve been a tool to finance terrorism.”